Mangal Dosh Shanti

Indian Astrology and Planet Mars. Importance of planet Mars in Indian Astro Science. To get the direction in your life meet the famous Indian Astrologer Pandit Vijay Bharti. He is the expert in Indian Vaidic Astrology.

Planet Mars (Mangal) & Indian Astrology

Bhagwan Shiv

In Indian astrology, Mangala refers to the Planet Mars, also known as Mangal or Kuja. Mars is considered one of the most influential and potent planets in Vedic astrology, and its placement in an individual's birth chart (Kundali) is believed to have significant implications on various aspects of life.

Key Attributes of Mangala (Mars) in Indian Astrology

  1. Energy and Drive: Mars is associated with energy, ambition, and drive. It represents the force that propels individuals to pursue their goals, take action, and overcome challenges.
  2. Courage and Determination: Mars is linked to qualities like courage, determination, and assertiveness. It is considered the planet that empowers individuals to face obstacles head-on and persevere in the pursuit of their objectives.
  3. Leadership and Initiative: Mars is often associated with leadership qualities and the ability to take initiative. Individuals with a strong Mars influence in their charts may exhibit leadership skills and a proactive approach to life.
  4. Physical Strength and Endurance: Mars is traditionally associated with physical strength, vitality, and endurance. Its influence is believed to contribute to a person's overall health and stamina.
  5. Passion and Desire: Mars is also associated with passion, desire, and sexuality. Its placement in the birth chart is considered when analyzing aspects of romantic relationships and physical attraction.

Mangal Dosha

One of the significant considerations related to Mars in Indian astrology is the concept of Mangal Dosha or Manglik Dosha. This astrological condition is believed to occur when Mars is positioned in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the birth chart. It is often thought to bring challenges in the marriage and relationships of the individual.

Remedies for Mangal Dosha

Mangal Dosh Nivaran

Various remedies are suggested to mitigate the potential adverse effects of Mangal Dosha. These may include performing specific rituals, wearing gemstones associated with Mars (like red coral), and visiting temples dedicated to Lord Mars, such as the Mangalnath Temple in Ujjain.

In Indian Astrology, it is believed that the celestial positions can influence various aspects of life. The impact of the Mars planet is based on individuals' astrological charts and the positions of other celestial bodies at the time of their birth. Therefore, it is recommended to get your Kundali (birth chart) prepared only by a qualified astrologer. If you encounter any issues, only an experienced astrologer can provide a solution.

Importance of Mangal Puja

The primary purpose of Mangal Puja and observance is to alleviate obstacles. Through specific chants and rituals, we gain benefits. This puja aids us in attaining liberation from harmful influences, as well as acquiring happiness, peace, and prosperity. Additionally, it enhances positivity at the commencement of new ventures, removes obstacles in home, job, and business, facilitates rapid health improvement, and assists in improving leadership skills.

मंगल दोष निवारण का सरल एवं अचूक उपाय मंगल ग्रह का भात पूजन है | मंगल दोष युक्त जातक जिनके विवाह में बाधा आ रही हो उन्हें अवश्य मंगलनाथ मंदिर (उज्जैन) में भात पूजन करवाना चाहिये |

The Mantra for Alleviating Mangal Dosha

  1. ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः। ("Om Kram Krim Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah.")
  2. मङ्गलो भूमिपुत्रश्च ऋणहर्ता धनप्रद: । स्थिरासनो महाकाय: सर्वकर्मावरोधक: ।।
  3. लोहितो लोहिताक्षश्च सामगानां कृपाकरः । धरात्मजः कुजो भौमो भूतिदो भूमिनन्दनः ||
  4. अङ्गारको यमश्चैव सर्वरोगापहारकः | व्रुष्टे कर्ताऽपहर्ता च सर्वकामफलप्रदः ||
  5. एतानि कुजनामनि नित्यं यः श्रद्धया पठेत् | ऋणं न जायते तस्य धनं शीघ्रमवाप्नुयात् ||
  6. धरणी गर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्कान्ति-समप्रभम् | कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं च मङ्गलं प्रणमाम्यहम् ||
  7. स्तोत्रमङ्गारकस्यैतत्पठनीयं सदा नृभिः | न तेषां भौमजा पीडा स्वल्पाऽपि भवति क्वचित् ||
  8. अङ्गारक ! महाभाग ! भगवन्भक्तवत्सल | त्वां नमामि ममाशेषमृणमाशु विनाशयः ||
  9. ऋण रोगादि-दारिद्रयं ये चान्ये ह्यपमृत्यवः | भय-क्लेश-मनस्तापा नश्यन्तु मम सर्वदा ||
  10. अतिवक्र ! दुराराध्य ! भोगमुक्तों जितात्मनः | तुष्टो ददासि साम्राज्यं रुष्टो हरसि तत्क्षणात् ||
  11. विरिंचिशक्रविष्णूनां मनुष्याणां तु का कथा | तेन त्वां सर्वसत्त्वेन ग्रहराजो महाबलः ||
  12. पुत्रान देहि धनं देहि तवामस्मि शरणं गताः | ऋणदारिद्रय दुःखेन शत्रूणां च भयात्ततः ||
  13. एभिर्द्वादशभिः श्लोकैर्यः स्तौति च धरासुतम् | महतीं श्रियमाप्नोति ह्यपरो धनदो युवाः ||

Given mantras are chanted to seek the blessings and pacify the influence of Mars (Mangal) in the birth chart, particularly for those facing challenges related to Mangal Dosha. It is believed to bring harmony and mitigate the adverse effects associated with the positioning of Mars in certain houses of the astrological chart. Individuals often recite this mantra as part of their spiritual practices or during specific rituals for Mangal Dosha Shanti (pacification).


पंडित विजय भारती
कृष्ण मूर्ति पद्धति और पारंपरिक ज्योतिष में विशेषज्ञ |

मंगलनाथ मंदिर परिसर, उज्जैन, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Pandit Vijay Bharti

क्या आप मांगलिक है? मंगल दोष का निवारण उज्जैन स्थित मंगलनाथ मंदिर में पूजा पद्धति से किया जाता है। मंगल दोष निवारण, कुंडली निर्माण और विवाह हेतु कुंडली मिलान के लिए, आप ज्योतिषशास्त्र के पंडित, विजय भारती जी से संपर्क कर सकते हैं।

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